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Air conditioning storage nitrogen machine

Product information
Product name: Air conditioning storage nitrogen machine
Product category: Nitrogen making machine
Time: 2014-05-08 13:54:37

Pressure swing adsorption nitrogen making machine is a carbon molecular sieve as adsorbent, using the principle of pressure adsorption, pressure desorption to absorb oxygen from the air, so as to separate nitrogen at normal temperature air separation equipment.

The adsorption properties of carbon molecular sieve for O2 and N2 are that with the increase of adsorption pressure, the adsorption amounts of O2 and N2 can increase at the same time, and the increase range of the adsorption amounts of O2 is larger. The pressure swing adsorption period is short, and the adsorption of O2 and N2 is far from reaching equilibrium, so the difference in the diffusion rate of O2 and N2 makes the adsorption amount of O2 greatly exceed the adsorption amount of N2 in a short time.

Pressure swing adsorption nitrogen production is the use of carbon molecular sieve adsorption characteristics, the use of pressure adsorption, decompression desorption cycle, the compressed air alternately into the two adsorption towers (can also be completed by a single adsorption tower) to achieve air separation, so as to continuously produce product nitrogen.

CANGAS Gas System solutions - more reliable, more economical and more convenient:

More reliable:

* CANGAS gas separation system solutions proven for many years in various industries;

* The most simplified engineering design concept, the least moving parts, reduce possible points of failure, so that maintenance work is minimal;

* Professional service team to ensure that you always know the operation of the equipment.

More economical:

*EES system (Energy Utility System) allows you to easily achieve on-demand production and reduce operating costs;

*REFLUX component control system, reduce unit compressed air consumption, reduce energy consumption;

* More advanced and economical gas separation components.

More convenient:

*CANBUS multi-function monitoring system, to achieve gas flow, purity, pressure online full screen display, fault alarm and maintenance tips, so that you can easily grasp the entire operating status of the equipment;

* Turnkey project, fully integrated skid mounted tray or box type design, the whole system is pre-debugging, making the system installation and debugging easier.

* Perfect pre-sale, sale, after-sales service, purchasing, maintenance service and spare parts sales service

Nitrogen production: 3-5000Nm³/h (standard)

Nitrogen purity: 90-99.999% (national standard non-oxygen content)

Nitrogen outlet pressure :0.01-0.8Mpa(gauge pressure, stable and adjustable)

Nitrogen outlet dew point: ≤-40-45℃ (atmospheric dew point)

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