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Air tank
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Product name: | Air tank |
Product category: | Air tank |
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Time: | 2014-05-08 14:32:42 |
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After the air compressor is installed in the air storage tank, it can not only store compressed air, reduce the pressure pulsation caused by the discontinuous exhaust of the compressor, achieve the balance of gas supply and gas use, but also reduce the temperature of the compressed air and reduce the load of the filter and desiccant. The selection of gas storage tank should pay attention to the following issues:
1, shell material: Gas storage tank is a pressure vessel, the shell commonly used materials Q235-B, 16MnR, 16MnDR three kinds. According to GB150 "Steel pressure vessel", different materials have different use states and temperature ranges (as shown in the table) :
1, shell material: Gas storage tank is a pressure vessel, the shell commonly used materials Q235-B, 16MnR, 16MnDR three kinds. According to GB150 "Steel pressure vessel", different materials have different use states and temperature ranges (as shown in the table) :
Name of the material
Service temperature of steel plate
Use of state
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Hot rolling normalizing
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