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Principle of nitrogen production from carbon molecular sieve in nitrogen making machine in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province

Catalogue:Industry NewsCTR:Time:2014-06-11 14:03:44

Article source:Responsible editor:

Principle of nitrogen production by carbon molecular sieve
The product belongs to carbon adsorbent and is a porous material composed of carbon. The pore structure model is disordered carbon accumulation structure. Carbon molecular sieves are non-quantitative compounds whose important properties are based on their microporous structure. Its ability to separate air depends on the different diffusion rates of various gases in the air in the carbon molecular sieve micropores, or different adsorption forces, or two effects at the same time. Under equilibrium conditions, the adsorption amounts of oxygen and nitrogen by carbon molecular sieve are quite close, but the diffusion rate of oxygen molecules through the narrow voids of carbon molecular sieve micropore system is much faster than that of nitrogen molecules, carbon molecular sieve air separation is based on this performance, far before the equilibrium condition is reached, nitrogen is separated from the air by PSA process.

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