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Nitrogen machine system maintenance of cold and dry machine maintenance

Catalogue:Company NewsCTR:Time:2014-07-29 14:13:07

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Nitrogen machine system maintenance of cold and dry machine maintenance

The role of the cold drying machine is to ensure that the compressed air entering the nitrogen machine is dry,  to ensure that the nitrogen machine can work better and extend the life of carbon molecular sieve.

Nitrogen machine system maintenance of cold and dry machine maintenance

There are three situations in which the dry machine jumps:

First, low voltage jump machine:

1, refrigerant leakage or insufficient refrigerant charge, this situation should be blocked or add refrigerant,

2, is the expansion valve capillary rupture, the treatment method is to replace the top component of the valve body or replace the entire valve,

3, refrigerant pipe throttling, find out the throttling reasons and repair, 4, low pressure disconnect improper setting, reset or replace;

Second, high pressure jump:

1, the high voltage break switch is set improperly, reset or replace,

2, the cooling water is insufficient or the water temperature is too high, to ensure that the sufficient amount of cooling water to improve the water temperature,

3, cold fan burned out, replace the fan,

4. Excessive refrigerant charging, excessive refrigerant discharge,

5, the heat fin is too dirty, the heat exchange effect is not good, need to clean the heat fin;

Three, compressor overload jump:

1, compressor overcurrent (low power supply or lack of phase), check the power supply, contactor and connection and repair,

2, insufficient refrigeration to overheat the compressor, check the refrigerant charging (plugging) if necessary, then add refrigerant,

3, compressor coil short circuit, replace the compressor.

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