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Nitrogen making machine for blast furnace ironmaking to keep out cold

Catalogue:Industry NewsCTR:Time:2017-06-21 12:16:26

Article source:Responsible editor:

Winter is coming, in the northern generation of cold Xiabian in Dongguan is not experienced, but I heard that our department organized in January 2016 to go to Harbin experience -23 degrees think about it is still a little excited.

To return to the main topic, this should start from Qinghai Hua Sheng, last month contacted us to say that we need to fill the nitrogen machine with nitrogen to add nitrogen to the blast furnace ironmaking, saying that it is because the weather is cold, especially after a period of time, the temperature drops sharply, then what is the role of adding nitrogen to us? Nitrogen has the effect of gas protection and anti-oxidation.

The purpose of adding nitrogen to the nitrogen machine is to prevent the rust of the blast furnace, blow away the oxygen inside, and prevent the rust after oxidation, which makes the northern generation of blast furnace ironmaking plant can use nitrogen to prevent the rust of the blast furnace.

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