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The problems existing in the use of nitrogen machine and corresponding solutions.

Catalogue:Company NewsCTR:Time:2018-10-11 09:53:42

Article source:网络Responsible editor:张墨染

Under normal circumstances, there will be some problems as follows:

1), air filter, freeze dryer, air storage tank is not normally drained.
2) The freeze dryer is not refrigerated and no personnel find it in time.
3) The front of the nitrogen machine is not equipped with activated carbon degreaser.
4) Nitrogen silencer has a large number of black particles.
5) Some pneumatic valves are damaged.
6) The equipment has not changed the air filter element until now.
The problem of nitrogen making machine should be solved as follows:
1) The air storage tank sewage outlet is equipped with a timed drainage device to reduce the load pressure of post-processing.
2) The normal use of the equipment should pay attention to check whether each timing drainer is normally drained, whether the air pressure meets more than 0.6Mpa, and whether there is a cooling effect by comparing the inlet and outlet of the refrigerator. Check whether the purity of nitrogen is stable.
3) The air filter must be changed once every 4000 hours.
4) Activated carbon filter can effectively filter oil, can extend the service life of high-quality carbon molecular sieve, activated carbon needs to be replaced in 3000 hours or 4 months.
5) Nitrogen machine pneumatic valve, solenoid valve for the action components of each model is recommended to prepare one, to prevent future trouble.
The difference between the pressing device of the nitrogen machine, the existing cylinder pressing, spring pressing, air bag pressing, pressing the cylinder can be monitored in real time, but due to the absence and addition of carbon molecules pulverized damage, resulting in nitrogen machine powder black smoke, at this time the entire system needs to completely replace the carbon molecular sieve. If it is still normal to add carbon molecular sieve at this time, there will be carbon molecular sieve constantly ejected, the consequences will be more and more serious, the entire nitrogen pipeline system will have nitrogen machine carbon molecular sieve powder.
Nitrogen machine system structural damage, pipeline welding and other causes the loss of carbon molecules in the nitrogen machine, which requires the nitrogen machine adsorption tower structure through the air tightness test, find the welding location, replace the new carbon molecular sieve.
Troy nitrogen machine reminds you that equipment repair and maintenance needs to be carried out by professional personnel to avoid quality problems in equipment material replacement.

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