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The reason of nitrogen machine valve failure

Catalogue:Company NewsCTR:Time:2014-07-25 14:51:36

Article source:Responsible editor:

Nitrogen machine under normal use, each period of the control valve to switch if the nitrogen machine provides 300 working days, 24 hours a day continuous operation, in 4 minutes of adsorption and desorption cycle calculation, the result is in the annual switch valve about 200,000 nitrogen machine. If only one valve fails, it will affect the normal operation of the entire nitrogen machine.

Therefore, the most important part of the continuous service life of the valve nitrogen machine is stable and reliable, and frequent switching of the nitrogen machine valve is the main reason for failure. Nitrogen is one of the important products of natural gas industry, divided into high purity nitrogen, nitrogen, liquid nitrogen, industrial nitrogen. With the development of economy, the market of nitrogen expands, and the sales volume increases year by year. Nitrogen in the chemical industry is mainly used as a feedstock gas and a protective atmosphere.


Nitrogen is used as feedstock gas in the chemical industry

(1) The application of raw materials in the ammonia synthesis of synthetic ammonia in the chemical industry is an important basic chemical product and the source of nitrogen fertilizer products. One of the main raw materials of nitrogen has a nitrogen content of about 34%.

(2) Impurities are usually black powder or particles, nitrogen 20% ~ 22%. Water with ammonia and calcium carbonate. Water with ammonia and calcium carbonate. Lime-nitrogen fertilizers are important, but cannot be used directly by plants, must be converted into water and three carbon dioxide can be absorbed by plants. Common fertilizer. Common fertilizer. Suitable for acidic soil. Lime nitrogen is toxic to plants, can kill seeds, plant leaf growth, make leaves fall off, and can be used as a filtration reducer or herbicide. Lime nitrogen is toxic to plants, can kill seeds, plant leaf growth, make leaves fall off, and can be used as a filtration reducer or herbicide. Nitrogen and calcium carbide furnace heated to 1000 ° C, the cake, after crushing and grinding cooling, and then a small amount of water calcium carbide slag decomposition.

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