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Current position:Home -> Industry News -> The degree of automation of the nitrogen machine is very high

The degree of automation of the nitrogen machine is very high

Catalogue:Industry NewsCTR:Time:2014-12-09 15:36:16

Article source:Responsible editor:


In the various gas components of the air in the polymer membrane has its own penetration, the penetration rate is not the same, nitrogen equipment is manifested in the dissolution and dispersion of each component through the polymer membrane nitrogen production equipment, more reliable, more economical, more effective nitrogen production equipment, the first principle of membrane separation is selective penetration, Nitrogen equipment through the polymer membrane permeates gases such as oxygen gases such as nitrogen and slowly completes the typing.

Compared with the traditional method, the nitrogen production machine has a simple process, a high degree of automation, fast gas production (15 ~ 30 minutes), low energy consumption, in a wide range of nitrogen equipment purity can be adjusted according to the needs of users, nitrogen protection equipment easy to operate, the cost is low, equipment operation adaptability and other characteristics, competitive nitrogen fertilizer plants, nitrogen equipment more and more. The expectations of small nitrogen users. Engineering design concept, nitrogen equipment is the simplest, at least moving parts, cut the wrong point, at least to protect the work, multi-functional monitoring system, complete gas flow, purity, pressure online full screen, fault alarm and protection and maintenance tips, nitrogen production device with air as raw material, carbon molecular sieve adsorbent, the use of pressure swing adsorption principle, Selective adsorption of oxygen and nitrogen using carbon molecules and nitrogen oxygen separation methods.

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