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To make the exhaust temperature of the cold dryer is very low, how to do?

Catalogue:QuestionsCTR:Time:2014-07-25 10:32:27

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To make the exhaust temperature of the cold dryer is very low, how to do?

In the complete equipment of the nitrogen machine, the cold and dry machine plays a crucial role.

In some special industries, it is not only necessary to use compressed air with very low pressure dew point (that is, water content), but also to require the temperature of compressed air to be very low, that is, to use the cold and dry machine as a "dewatering cooler". At this time, the measures taken are: (1) cancel the precooler (air-air heat exchanger), so that the compressed air after forced cooling by the evaporator can not be heated, (2) at the same time to calculate the refrigeration system, if necessary, to increase the power of the compressor, evaporator and condenser heat exchange area. (In practice, the simple way commonly used is to use a larger size cold dryer without a precooler to deal with a smaller flow of gas.

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